Good tries to keep his feet on the ground (which is very diifficult in the UFO community!). 3.That governments are not hiding anything. 2.That military/intelligence forces around the world have investigated the phenomenon and found that there is nothing to it. It's great strength is it's comprehensive review of reports from all over the world (too often these type of books only deal with US or local incidents).It easily refutes 3 scepticisms about the UFO phenomena: 1.That only crazies are eyewitnesses. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the subject of UFOs and particularly for open-minded people who are undecided about it. The book is very convincing, and will keep you awake at night, pondering the implications for us all. Good's book to any serious researcher on the UFO dilemma. He details the extensive campaign of dis-information put into place following the Roswell incident, and shows the attempts by various other world governments to cover up any information dealing with the phenominon.The primary motive for this cover-up appears to be one of fear, both of a collapse in law and order when the truth - that our governments cannot stop or protect us from invasion or abduction, and a fear also in the aliens themselves, and perhaps the beginnings of a subserviant alliance with them.I strongly reccommend Mr. After the war, they could find no surviving Nazi scientist who would admit to knowledge of these craft.Timothy Good takes you on a whirlwind tour of the modern UFO history. The intelligence agencies of the allied powers were concerned about these mysterious glowing balls of light that would follow bombers on their runs. The modern era of UFO's began in the skies over Europe, and the mysterious 'FOO' fighters reported by allied bomber crews in the closing days of WWII.